The Future of Networking

Forging Meaningful Connections in an AR or AI-Powered World

Six years ago while working at McKinsey, we developed an AR solution with an overlay of maintenance check data. It meant that rather than drive around to check points, they could at a glance see what required maintenance, assess risk, estimate cost, and allocate resources, all through the interface. It provided a wealth of decision-making data at their fingertips. Today, one would expect this is now automated with AI.

Technology is propelling the world forward at an unprecedented pace. It’s revolutionising industries, enhancing connectivity, and driving innovation across every sector.

It’s even impacting our approaches to how we foster human connections at events. We've moved beyond the era of awkward icebreakers and aimless mingling.

The future of networking is here, and it's powered by ingenious technologies that promise to evolve how attendees interact, learn, and grow.

Let’s have a look at a few event planners who are embracing technology in interesting ways …

Drawing of people connecting and networking using AI

AI Matchmaking: A Digital Cupid for Your Event

Imagine a world where every interaction is purposeful, where every connection feels familiar. This isn't science fiction; it's the power of AI matchmaking.

AI-driven platforms, such as Brella, analyse attendee profiles, interests, and goals to curate personalised connection recommendations.

Consider this scenario: An engineer, a swimmer, and a carpenter might find common ground in their love of DIY projects or perhaps their shared appreciation for craft and precision. Now, imagine introducing a designer, a developer, and an engineer. Sparks fly as they exchange industry jargon, ideas flow effortlessly, and collaboration ignites. Suddenly, they're not just making small talk, they're sketching out blueprints on a whiteboard, their diverse expertise fuelling a project's inception. This is the transformative power of connecting individuals with complementary skills and passions – where networking transcends mere pleasantries and evolves into a catalyst for innovation.

You’re improving the odds that every conversation has the potential to spark collaboration, innovation, or simply, a meaningful exchange.

Real World Examples

The Collision Conference, a major tech event, leveraged AI matchmaking to great success. By incorporating Brella's AI-powered platform, they facilitated over 10,000 targeted meetings, helping attendees connect with the right people and maximise their time at the event. This not only enhanced the attendee experience but also boosted the overall value of the event.

At the Web Summit, one of the largest technology conferences, the AI matchmaking app helped attendees schedule over 30,000 meetings in 2019, significantly enhancing networking opportunities​ ( Your 3D Company)​​ (Planning Pod Blog)​.

VR Event Experience

Transcending Physical Boundaries with VR

The metaverse might be Meta's second (now, maybe third) baby, but let's not forget the immense potential of virtual reality (VR) in reshaping networking. VR networking lounges provide a unique space for attendees to connect in a virtual environment, unconstrained by physical location.

Picture this: your attendees, represented by their avatars, mingling in a virtual lounge, attending talks, or problem solving projects in real-time. This not only opens up opportunities for global networking but also adds a layer of fun and interactivity to your event.

What are VR Networking Lounges?

Virtual reality (VR) networking lounges create immersive, virtual spaces where attendees can meet and interact as if they were in a physical location. These lounges can mimic conference halls, cafes, or any environment conducive to networking.

How It Works

Platforms like AltspaceVR and VRChat allow event organisers to create custom virtual spaces. Attendees use VR headsets to enter these environments, where they can move around, join discussions, and even attend virtual booths or presentations.


  • Immersive Experience: Provides a sense of presence and engagement similar to in-person events.

  • Accessibility: Allows global participation, breaking geographical barriers.

  • Innovative Interaction: Offers unique ways to interact, such as virtual business card exchanges or interactive presentations.

Real-World Example

Virbela, a virtual world platform, has been hosting conferences, meetings, and networking events in its virtual spaces. Attendees can create customised avatars, explore virtual environments, and interact with each other through voice and text chat. This innovative approach to networking offers a unique experience that transcends geographical limitations.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Laval Virtual conference used VR to host its event, attracting over 11,000 attendees from around the world. The VR networking lounge allowed participants to interact in a highly immersive environment, fostering connections despite physical distance​ (Planning Pod Blog)​​ (Assemblr)​.

Additional Technologies to Enhance Networking

While AI matchmaking and VR lounges are leading the charge, other technologies are also contributing to the future of networking:

  • Gamification: Incorporate challenges, quizzes, or rewards into your networking activities to make them more engaging and fun.

  • Social Media Walls: Display live feeds of social media posts related to your event to encourage conversations and connections.

  • Live Polling and Q&A: Use interactive tools to gather feedback and spark discussions among attendees.

  • Networking Apps: Develop a dedicated app to facilitate connections, schedule meetings, and share contact information.

Real World Example

The South by Southwest (SXSW) festival implemented gamification in its networking events, where attendees could earn badges and rewards for various interactions, significantly boosting engagement and participation​ ( Your 3D Company)​​ (Social Tables)​.

Maintain the Human Touch in an AI-Powered World

It’s important from my perspective that technology is leveraged with purpose, rather than for the sake of performance. As we consider technological advancements, it’s important we never forget the importance of the human touch. Technology can facilitate connections, but it's the genuine interactions and shared experiences that forge lasting relationships.

Encourage attendees to step away from their screens, initiate conversations organically, and build rapport in a natural setting. After all, the most powerful connections are often the ones that happen spontaneously.

The future of networking is brimming with possibilities. By embracing AI, VR, and other emerging technologies, we can create events that are not just informative but also transformative. Let's harness the power of innovation to forge connections that inspire, empower, and drive meaningful change.

As the great Carl Sagan once said, "Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."

The future of networking is here, and it's waiting for you to explore it.

Rhonda Sweet

28 years experience as a strategic designer, ethnographic researcher and people leader at Bain, Westpac and McKinsey. I'm insatiably curious and always thinking about the people who experience a solution when I design. I love complex problems quite simply because they present a wide range of perspectives that can be resolved when rooted in deep user research. A Mum, artist, and owner of Terra Tags with an uncommon obsession for medieval Tudor history.

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