Slash Waste and Wow Guests with These Clever Event Hacks!

In event planning, it's not enough to just focus on dazzling your guests; it's equally important to host events that resonate with eco-conscious values. I've seen firsthand how small, thoughtful changes have a big impact … and I’ve also seen the disappointment when guests see food waste or are handed traditional name badges and lanyards that end up in landfill.

Guests want better. And they can, and should have it.

Let's look at a few clever hacks that will help you slash event waste and leave your guests wowed.

Go Paperless

Remember the days of paper invites and bulky event brochures? Well, they're as outdated as dial-up internet. Digital invitations are not just eco-friendly; they're a breeze to manage and can offer much more than just an RSVP. Platforms like Eventbrite or Greenvelope not only allow you to send elegant digital invitations but also provide a comprehensive dashboard for managing your event. From tracking RSVPs to adding survey questions, setting up a gift registry, managing ticket sales, and even accepting donations, it's like having your event assistant right in your pocket. I once attended a conference where the digital invites doubled as an interactive platform – talk about making a lasting impression!

Virtual Venues

The pandemic taught us that virtual events could be just as engaging as their physical counterparts. By hosting virtual or hybrid events, you're not just cutting down on carbon emissions from travel; you're opening your event to a global audience. Tools like Miro or Microsoft Teams are your allies here, making connectivity a piece of cake.

Eco-Friendly Venues

Choosing a venue that breathes sustainability can significantly reduce your event's environmental footprint. Look for venues with green certifications – they're not just about saving energy; they're about setting the tone for your event. Green Getaways has a list of green conference venues you can investigate.

Accessible Locations

I remember when I worked as a management consultant having to travel and attend countless events every year. While they were always held in a breathtaking setting, none of them were easy to get to and the travel impacted my time. I simply wouldn’t do it today. A venue easily reached by public transport is a win-win. It's convenient for your guests and kind to the planet. Plus, it's an excellent opportunity to encourage a bit of healthy walking or cycling!

Local and Seasonal Food

There's something special about a menu that tells a local story. Sourcing food locally not only supports the community but also reduces those pesky food miles. And honestly, nothing beats the taste of fresh, seasonal produce. It's like serving a slice of the local landscape on a plate. I remember an event where the menu was a journey through the region's specialties – each dish had a tale, and every bite was a conversation starter.

Partnering with catering services like EatFirst, known for their commitment to sustainability and social causes, ensures that your event's food is not just a meal but a statement. With options like Two Good Co. Catering in Sydney, which employs women who have experienced homelessness, you're not just serving food; you're serving hope and empowerment.

Waste Reduction Strategies

Planning your menu carefully can significantly reduce food waste. And for the leftovers? Partnering with local charities to donate unused food can turn excess into impact. It's about making sure that while your guests' appetites are satisfied, the community benefits too. It's a full circle – a cycle of giving that starts at your event and ripples through the community.

By choosing caterers who prioritise ethical practices, you're ensuring that every bite taken at your event supports a sustainable, community-focused food system. It's a choice that nourishes not just your guests but also the local economy and the environment.

Here are a few Australian organisations that accept food donations:

  • Food For Change

  • Oz Harvest

Rethink Event Swag

Quality over Quantity

We've all been there – leaving an event with a bag full of items that, sadly, end up forgotten. It's time to change the narrative. Opt for swag that's not just sustainable but also meaningful and useful. A well-crafted, reusable item can be a delightful reminder of your event. For instance, eco-friendly merchandise from Earth Friendly Promotions offers a range of products that are not only eco-friendly but also stylish and practical.

Eco-Friendly Materials

From bamboo USBs to ethical tote bags, the options for eco-friendly swag are endless. It's about giving gifts that keep on giving. By choosing swag made from sustainable materials, you're not just reducing waste; you're also setting a trend and making a statement about your event's commitment to the environment.

Alternative to Swag – Donation to a Cause

Sometimes, the best gift is the one that gives back. Instead of traditional swag, consider making a donation on behalf of each attendee to a meaningful cause like Bush Heritage Australia. This organisation is dedicated to protecting Australia's unique landscapes and magnificent native species. By doing this, you're not just eliminating waste; you're also creating a legacy of your event that contributes to the conservation of Australia's natural heritage.

By rethinking event swag, you're not just reducing waste; you're enhancing the overall experience of your event. You're creating a narrative of care, sustainability, and thoughtfulness that resonates with every attendee and extends far beyond the event itself.

Engage Eco-Conscious Partners

Collaborate with Green Sponsors

Partnering with sponsors who share your green vision can amplify your event's impact. It's a collaboration that speaks volumes about your brand's values. In Australia, platforms like offer a comprehensive view of businesses' sustainability records and credentials. This resource can be invaluable when looking for sponsors who are not just talking the talk but are walking the walk in terms of sustainability.

Select Sustainable Vendors

Every detail counts, from the decor to the catering. Choosing vendors who practice sustainability ensures that every aspect of your event aligns with your eco-friendly ethos. For example, ForestOne is known for its sustainable building products and responsible business practices. By selecting vendors with a proven track record of sustainability, you're ensuring that your event is not just a celebration but also a testament to eco-conscious living.

Utilise Eco-Friendly Supplier Guides

Platforms like EcoEnclose provide a comprehensive guide for finding eco-friendly suppliers and products. Whether you're looking for sustainable packaging options or eco-conscious promotional materials, these guides can help you make informed decisions that align with your event's green goals.

By engaging with eco-conscious partners and utilising resources that highlight sustainable practices, you're not just planning an event; you're fostering a community of like-minded individuals and businesses committed to making a positive impact on the environment. It's about creating a network of sustainability that extends beyond your event, influencing positive change in the industry and the community at large.

Innovative Waste Management

Recycling and Composting Stations

Make it easy for your guests to join your green mission. Well-marked recycling and composting stations can turn waste management into a seamless part of the event experience.

Digital Note-Taking

Encourage your guests to go digital with their notes. Apps like Evernote or Google Keep are not just about reducing paper usage; they're about keeping ideas organised and accessible.

Communicate Your Green Goals

Transparency with Attendees

Being upfront about your sustainability goals can resonate deeply with your guests. It's about creating a shared sense of purpose and commitment. For instance, the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC) offers a fantastic guide on how to communicate your sustainable choices effectively. They suggest sending a pre-event email to inform attendees about your green initiatives. This not only sets the tone for the event but also encourages attendees to actively participate in your sustainability efforts.

Broadcast Your Message

The way you communicate your green initiatives can significantly influence attendee engagement. Platforms like EarthCheck, in collaboration with Tourism Australia, provide comprehensive guides on sustainable storytelling. These resources can help you craft a compelling narrative around your event's sustainability efforts, turning your commitment into a powerful story that captivates and inspires your audience.

Encourage Participation

Practical Tips and Tricks

Encouraging participation starts with providing practical and accessible options for your attendees. For example, the NSW Government's guide on environmental sustainability highlights the importance of tailoring education and communication initiatives to your event's specific demographic and location. This could involve setting up well-marked recycling stations, providing clear instructions for composting, or even arranging group transportation options to reduce individual carbon footprints.

Leverage Digital Tools

Digital tools can play a pivotal role in fostering attendee participation in your sustainability efforts. Encourage the use of digital note-taking apps, event apps for networking and schedules, and social media platforms for sharing experiences. These tools not only reduce the need for paper but also create a dynamic and interactive environment where attendees can actively engage with your event's sustainability narrative.

By enhancing communication and providing practical ways for attendees to participate, you're not just hosting an event; you're cultivating a community of eco-conscious individuals. It's about turning every attendee into an active participant in your sustainability journey, creating a ripple effect that extends far beyond the confines of your event.

Hosting an eco-friendly event is more than a trend; it's a statement. It's about crafting experiences that are memorable, meaningful, and mindful of our planet's future. So, as you plan your next event, remember that each green choice you make is a step towards a more sustainable world. And trust me, your guests will notice and appreciate the effort. After all, the best events are those that leave a lasting impression without leaving a trace.

Rhonda Sweet

28 years experience as a strategic designer, ethnographic researcher and people leader at Bain, Westpac and McKinsey. I'm insatiably curious and always thinking about the people who experience a solution when I design. I love complex problems quite simply because they present a wide range of perspectives that can be resolved when rooted in deep user research. A Mum, artist, and owner of Terra Tags with an uncommon obsession for medieval Tudor history.

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Greening the Australian Scene: Practical Tips for Eco-Friendly Event Planning