Eco-Friendly Name Badges & Lanyards | Terra Tag | Sustainable Event Solutions

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The Executive Assistant's Guide to Eco-Friendly Event Planning

In today's corporate landscape, being eco-conscious isn't just a fleeting trend; it's a genuine commitment. As an Executive Assistant, you're often at the heart of organising events. Making these gatherings eco-friendly might seem like a tall order, but with the right approach and a touch of creativity, it's a breeze.

Here’s how you can infuse a touch of green into your next event.

1. Venue Vibes

Seek out venues that wear their green credentials with pride. Look for places that boast certifications like LEED, BREEAM, or the Green Building Council Australia’s Green Star. These are a testament to their eco-commitment.

2. Travel Smart

Pick a venue close to most of your attendees to reduce travel emissions. If it's in a city hub, ensure it's easily accessible by public transport. Perhaps even offer incentives for carpooling or using public transport. Every bit counts!

3. Food for Thought

Plant-based menus are not only delicious but also kind to the planet. Sourcing local ingredients? Even better. And when serving, opt for packaging that's reusable or biodegradable.

4. Digital is the New Norm

Reduce paper usage with online registrations, event apps, or dedicated websites. It's efficient, modern, and trees will certainly appreciate it.

5. Name Badges with a Twist

Swap traditional name badges for Terra Tags. Made from plantable seed paper, attendees can plant them post-event. A memorable keepsake that's eco-friendly.

6. Waste Not, Want Not

Waste is inevitable, but managing it right is crucial. Set up clear bins for recycling, composting, and general waste. Make eco-friendly disposal a no-brainer for attendees.

7. Light Up Smartly

Chat with your event team about energy-saving lighting options. There's plenty of innovative tech that can create a mood without being energy-hungry.

8. Engage and Educate

Consider adding a workshop or session about eco-practices with your peers. It's engaging, informative, and spreads the green message in a fun way.

9. Local Love

Support local businesses by sourcing supplies, goodies, or even entertainment from the community. It reduces transportation emissions and boosts the local economy.

10. Reflect and Improve

After the event, take a moment to reflect. Gather feedback, assess the eco-impact, and brainstorm improvements for next time.

Planning a green event isn't just about making eco-friendly choices; it's about crafting experiences that resonate with attendees and tread lightly on our planet. Each event is a statement, a testament to a company's commitment to our Earth.

So, the next time you're in the planning phase, think green and check out our big green list with products that you can incorporate into your event. It's not just a responsible choice; it feels pretty darn good too.